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Category: "Adopted text" Delete Type: "Recommendation" Delete Session: "2000 - Second part-session" Delete Before: "2016" Delete

Result(s) 1 to 11 of 11

06/04/2000 Recommendation Rec. 1460

Setting up a European Ombudsman for children

06/04/2000 Recommendation Rec. 1459

Action plan for the children of Kosovo

05/04/2000 Recommendation Rec. 1455

Repatriation and integration of the Tatars of Crimea

05/04/2000 Recommendation Rec. 1454

Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

04/04/2000 Recommendation Rec. 1451

Reform of the institutions in Ukraine

03/04/2000 Recommendation Rec. 1450

Violence against women in Europe