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Category: "Adopted text" Delete Type: "Recommendation" Delete Session: "1965 - 17th Session - Second part" Delete Before: "2016" Delete

Result(s) 1 to 20 of 21

01/10/1965 Recommendation Rec. 444

Consultative status system

01/10/1965 Recommendation Rec. 443

Draft European Convention on foreign money liabilities

01/10/1965 Recommendation Rec. 440

Ratification of the European Social Charter

01/10/1965 Recommendation Rec. 438

First Council of Europe programme on Public Health

01/10/1965 Recommendation Rec. 437

Shortage of female and male nurses

01/10/1965 Recommendation Rec. 436

Fresh water pollution control in Europe

01/10/1965 Recommendation Rec. 434

Granting of the right of asylum to European refugees

30/09/1965 Recommendation Rec. 432

Recent developments in international exchanges

30/09/1965 Recommendation Rec. 431

Economic development of Turkey

29/09/1965 Recommendation Rec. 430

East-West trade

29/09/1965 Recommendation Rec. 428

Business cycle policies