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Category: "Adopted text" Delete Type: "Recommendation" Delete Session: "1968 - 20th Session - Second part" Delete Before: "2016" Delete

Result(s) 1 to 12 of 12

27/09/1968 Recommendation Rec. 539

Road safety in the manufacture of motor vehicles

26/09/1968 Recommendation Rec. 538

Aircraft noise abatement

25/09/1968 Recommendation Rec. 537

3rd Ministerial Meeting on Science

25/09/1968 Recommendation Rec. 536

European co-operation in the field of space

24/09/1968 Recommendation Rec. 535

Promotion of modern language teaching in Europe

24/09/1968 Recommendation Rec. 532

Assistance to the victims of the civil war in Nigeria

24/09/1968 Recommendation Rec. 531

Present crisis of the European society

23/09/1968 Recommendation Rec. 530

General policy of the Council of Europe

08/07/1968 Recommendation Rec. 528

Relations with the United Nations