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Category: "Adopted text" Delete Type: "Resolution" Delete Session: "2014 - Third part-session" Delete After: "2014" Delete

Result(s) 1 to 12 of 12

27/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2010

Child-friendly juvenile justice: from rhetoric to reality

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

27/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2009

Reinforcement of the independence of the European Court of Human Rights

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

26/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2008

Europe’s public administrations in flux: public service under threat?

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

26/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2007

Challenges for the Council of Europe Development Bank

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

25/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2006

Integration of migrants in Europe: the need for a proactive, long-term and global policy

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

25/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2005

Identities and diversity within intercultural societies

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

25/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2004

Parliamentary contribution to resolving the Western Sahara conflict

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

25/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2003

Towards a better European democracy: facing the challenges of a federal Europe

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

24/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2002

Evaluation of the implementation of the reform of the Parliamentary Assembly

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

24/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2001

Violence in and through the media

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

24/06/2014 Resolution Res. 2000

The large-scale arrival of mixed migratory flows on Italian shores

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

24/06/2014 Resolution Res. 1999

The “left-to-die boat”: actions and reactions

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly