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Category: "Adopted text" Delete Type: "Resolution" Delete Session: "2020 - October Standing Committee (videoconference)" Delete After: "2016" Delete

Result(s) 1 to 14 of 14

23/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2348

The principles and guarantees applicable to advocates

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2346

Legal aspects of “autonomous” vehicles

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2345

Artificial intelligence and labour markets: friend or foe?

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2344

The brain-computer interface: new rights or new threats to fundamental freedoms?

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2343

Preventing discrimination caused by the use of artificial intelligence

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2342

Justice by algorithm – The role of artificial intelligence in policing and criminal justice systems

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2341

Need for democratic governance of artificial intelligence

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

13/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2340

Humanitarian consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic for migrants and refugees

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

13/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2339

Upholding human rights in times of crisis and pandemics: gender, equality and non-discrimination

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

13/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2338

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on human rights and the rule of law

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

13/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2337

Democracies facing the Covid-19 pandemic

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

12/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2336

Time to act: Europe’s political response to fighting the manipulation of sports competitions

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

12/10/2020 Resolution Res. 2335

Drug policy and human rights in Europe: a baseline study

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly