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Category: "Adopted text" Delete Type: "Resolution" Delete Session: "2022 - November Standing Committee (Reykjavik)" Delete After: "2014" Delete

Result(s) 1 to 6 of 6

25/11/2022 Resolution Res. 2474

Securing safe medical supply chains

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

25/11/2022 Resolution Res. 2472

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on prison population in Europe

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

25/11/2022 Resolution Res. 2471

The impact of the Covid-19 restrictions on civil society space and activities

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

25/11/2022 Resolution Res. 2470

Protecting the pillars of democracy during health crises

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

25/11/2022 Resolution Res. 2469

Evaluation of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of Jordan

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly