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Session: "2004 - November Standing Committee (Warsaw, PL)" Delete Before: "2019" Delete

Result(s) 1 to 20 of 50

25/11/2004 Motion for a recommendation Doc. 10358

The situation of Turkish migrant workers in Europe

Author(s): Ali Riza GÜLÇİÇEK

23/11/2004 Recommendation Rec. 1689

Hunting and Europe’s environmental balance

23/11/2004 Recommendation Rec. 1688

Diaspora cultures

23/11/2004 Recommendation Rec. 1687

Combating terrorism through culture

23/11/2004 Recommendation Rec. 1686

Human mobility and the right to family reunion

23/11/2004 Resolution Res. 1413

Avoiding electricity blackouts in Europe

23/11/2004 Resolution Res. 1412

Progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure

23/11/2004 Resolution Res. 1408

Situation in Western Sahara

21/10/2004 Motion for a recommendation Doc. 10352

Conservation and use of the landscape potential of Europe

Author(s): Valeriy SUDARENKOV