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Result(s) 1 to 20 of 21

29/11/2019 Report on credentials Doc. 15009

Examination of credentials of representatives and substitutes

29/11/2019 Resolution Res. 2315

Interpol reform and extradition proceedings: building trust by fighting abuse

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

29/11/2019 Resolution Res. 2314

Media education in the new media environment

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

29/11/2019 Resolution Res. 2313

The role of education in the digital era: from “digital natives” to “digital citizens”

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

29/11/2019 Resolution Res. 2312

The societal impact of the platform economy

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

29/11/2019 Resolution Res. 2311

Human rights and business – what follow-up to Committee of Ministers Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)3?

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

29/11/2019 Recommendation Rec. 2167

The role of education in the digital era: from “digital natives” to “digital citizens”

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

29/11/2019 Recommendation Rec. 2166

Human rights and business – what follow-up to Committee of Ministers Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)3?

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

21/10/2019 Reply to Recommendation Doc. 14999

Safeguarding and enhancing intangible cultural heritage in Europe

18/10/2019 Written question Doc. 14998

Turkish military operations on the territory of Syria

Author(s): Manuel VESCOVI

14/10/2019 Reply to Written question Doc. 14996

The case of M.C. and A.C. v. Romania – Combating homophobic hate crimes