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07/05/1976 Motion for a recommendation Doc. 3792
Author(s): Manfred VOHRER
07/05/1976 Motion for a recommendation Doc. 3791
Author(s): Karl REINHART
07/05/1976 Resolution Res. 628
07/05/1976 Resolution Res. 627
06/05/1976 Motion for a recommendation Doc. 3790
Author(s): Stephan RADINGER
06/05/1976 Motion for a resolution Doc. 3789
Author(s): George DARLING
06/05/1976 Parliamentary questions Doc. 3787
06/05/1976 Resolution Res. 626
06/05/1976 Order Doc. 358
05/05/1976 Written question Doc. 3788
Author(s): D.A. Th. van OOIJEN Henk WALTMANS
05/05/1976 Parliamentary questions Doc. 3786
05/05/1976 Recommendation Rec. 782
05/05/1976 Resolution Res. 625
05/05/1976 Order Doc. 357
04/05/1976 Committee Opinion Doc. 3785
Author(s): Nils WÅÅG (Former) Committee on Science and Technology (Former) Committee on Science and Technology
04/05/1976 Committee Opinion Doc. 3784
Author(s): Stephan RADINGER (Former) Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population (Former) Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population
04/05/1976 Committee Opinion Doc. 3783
Author(s): Pierre AUBERT (Former) Political Affairs Committee / Committee on General Affairs (Former) Political Affairs Committee / Committee on General Affairs
04/05/1976 Report Doc. 3782
Author(s): Manfred GESSNER (Former) Committee on Relations with European Non-Member Countries
04/05/1976 Report Doc. 3781
Author(s): Franz KARASEK (Former) Political Affairs Committee / Committee on General Affairs
04/05/1976 Committee Opinion Doc. 3779
Author(s): Anita GRADIN (Former) Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population
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