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Result(s) 1 to 20 of 83

22/11/2013 Recommendation Rec. 2030

Violence against women in Europe

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/11/2013 Recommendation Rec. 2029

The participation of non-member States in Council of Europe conventions

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/11/2013 Recommendation Rec. 2028

Monitoring the return of irregular migrants and failed asylum seekers by land, sea and air

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/11/2013 Resolution Res. 1965

The discipline of the members of the Parliamentary Assembly

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/11/2013 Resolution Res. 1964

Good governance of large metropolises

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/11/2013 Resolution Res. 1963

Violence against women in Europe

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/11/2013 Resolution Res. 1962


Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/11/2013 Resolution Res. 1961

The participation of non-member States in Council of Europe conventions

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/11/2013 Resolution Res. 1960

Drug trafficking from Afghanistan as a threat to European security

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

22/11/2013 Opinion Opinion 286

Draft Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

04/10/2013 Resolution Res. 1959

Strengthening the institution of ombudsman in Europe

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

04/10/2013 Resolution Res. 1958

Combating discrimination against older persons on the labour market

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

03/10/2013 Recommendation Rec. 2027

European Union and Council of Europe human rights agendas: synergies not duplication

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

03/10/2013 Recommendation Rec. 2026

The situation in Syria

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

03/10/2013 Resolution Res. 1957

Food security – a permanent challenge for us all

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

03/10/2013 Resolution Res. 1956

Missing persons from Europe’s conflicts: the long road to finding humanitarian answers

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

02/10/2013 Recommendation Rec. 2025

The functioning of democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

02/10/2013 Recommendation Rec. 2024

National security and access to information

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

02/10/2013 Resolution Res. 1955

The honouring of obligations and commitments by the Republic of Moldova

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

02/10/2013 Resolution Res. 1954

National security and access to information

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly