Member of Parliament
The Greens
FI - 00102 - Helsinki
Working language: English
26/04/2023 | 20:01:15 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) Mr President, dear colleagues, With global temperatures rising to 1,1 Celsius, rapid changes to the climate system, such as rising sea levels and rapidly melting sea ice, are already underway. Human-made climate change is causing weather and climate extremes across the globe. We need urgent, systemic transformations to secure a climate-resilient future. It is not new information that climate change causes severe losses and damages to nature... 25/01/2023 | 11:19:26 Mister President, Dear Colleagues, First of all, thank you very much for the important report. Congratulations to Mr John HOWELL. The war in Ukraine is a shocking humanitarian crisis. My thoughts are with the Ukrainians and all who suffer because of war. War also has an impact on the environment, which can be seen very concretely in Ukraine. The country of huge environmental diversity is home to tens of internationally significant wetlands. All this is under threat as acts of war raise the... 11/10/2022 | 13:07:53 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) Mr. President, dear colleagues, Let me start by thanking Mr. Papandreou for this important and timely report on supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans. Peace, stability and wellbeing in the Balkans is in the interest of all of Europe. However, as the European union is strengthening its ties with all the countries in the region, it should be careful not to create a sense of unfairness with regard to Ukraine and Moldova... 23/06/2022 | 19:11:28 Madam President, Dear Colleagues, Thank you to the Rapporteur for raising this not so easy matter: the need for social media regulations. Online communication has become an essential part of our everyday lives. Its influence on people’s opinions, actions and behaviour is huge. That’s why we must follow, regulate and improve the pluralism of who is controlling the information, who is making the actual choices on what kind of information people see, who owns the information collected on us and... 23/06/2022 | 11:47:32 Mister President, Dear Colleagues, In the presence of relatives of the victims of the downing of flight MH17, let me start by expressing my sincerest condolences. I am deeply saddened by the fact that 8 years after this horrendous tragedy, you have still not been able to have closure. The investigation has dragged on as a result of Russia’s failure to co‑operate in good faith with the Joint Investigation Team. The case is a horrific example of what can happen on the sidelines of conflict...
21/05/2021 | Doc. 15294 | Report Strengthening the role of young people in the prevention and resolution of conflicts
02/05/2023 | Doc. 15756 | Motion for a resolution The role of youth in revitalising democracy 14/02/2023 | Doc. 15634 | Written declaration Support Iranian people's protests 26/01/2023 | Doc. 15693 | Motion for a resolution Ensuring Azerbaijan’s accountability for serious violations of international humanitarian law and its statutory obligations 12/10/2022 | Doc. 15634 | Written declaration Support Iranian people's protests 11/10/2022 | Doc. 15629 | Motion for a resolution Immigration, one of the answers to Europe's demographic aging
26/04/2023 | Doc. 15738, vote on the draft text for resolution Political strategies to prevent, prepare for, and face the consequences of natural disasters 26/04/2023 | Doc. 15738, vote on the draft text for recommendation Political strategies to prevent, prepare for, and face the consequences of natural disasters 26/04/2023 | Doc. 15742, vote on the draft text for resolution Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights 26/04/2023 | Doc. 15742, vote on the draft text for recommendation Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights 25/04/2023 | Doc. 15740, vote on the draft text for resolution Assessing the functioning of the partnership for democracy