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PACE monitors express concern at the arrest of opposition leaders and police brutality against journalists and peaceful protesters in Georgia

The PACE monitoring rapporteurs for Georgia, Claude Kern (France, ALDE) and Edite Estrela (Portugal, SOC) today expressed their deep concern about the arrests and pretrial detentions of opposition and protests leaders as well as the raiding of their offices by the police, reportedly on questionable legal grounds and on the basis of provisions in the controversial code of administrative offences that is vulnerable to political abuse.

“Together with the reported violence and excessive use of force by the police during the arrests, this raises questions about the possibility of politically motivated prosecution and justice, which have no place in a democratic society based on rule of law,” they said.

The rapporteurs also condemned the police brutality against journalists and peaceful demonstrators, including youth, that continues unabated, as confirmed by the Georgian Public Defender. “There seems to be a sense of impunity for police violence and excessive use of force against protesters and journalists which is unacceptable,” said the rapporteurs who urged the authorities to fully respect the rights of freedom of expression and assembly, in line with their obligations as a member of the Council of Europe.

In addition, they called upon the authorities to investigate fully, effectively, and transparently all reported cases of violence and excessive use of force by the police, and to hold those responsible accountable to the fullest extent of the law. “The impunity for such lamentable behaviour should end,” Mr Kern and Ms Estrela concluded.

The rapporteurs will make a fact-finding visit to Tbilisi early January.