29/11/2024 | Prizes
PACE is today launching the “Human Rights in Motion” Award, in partnership with four international film festivals across Europe, to be awarded quarterly to the director of a documentary film which best promotes “human rights or the fight for democratic values”. The 5,000-euro award will be...
29/11/2024 | Standing Committee
PACE’s Standing Committee has proposed a number of ways to increase the Assembly’s exchanges with civil society, whose role in a democracy should be “celebrated and protected”, while also introducing a code of conduct to ensure that any exchanges with what it terms “interest representatives” – or...
29/11/2024 | Election observation
According to the election observation report presented by Petra Bayr (Austria, SOC) to the PACE Standing Committee meeting in Luxembourg, the presidential election and constitutional referendum in the Republic of Moldova were conducted in a highly polarised political environment, “marked by...
29/11/2024 | Standing Committee
The following statement was adopted by the Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) at its meeting on 29 November 2024: “The Parliamentary Assembly, meeting today in Luxembourg as the Standing Committee, expresses its concern about the situation in Georgia...
29/11/2024 | Standing Committee
The PACE delegation that observed Bulgaria's early parliamentary elections (9 June and 27 October 2024) has deplored that “the ongoing cycle of elections has plunged Bulgaria into near-constant campaign mode, intensifying political challenges and leading to entrenched instability”. It also...
29/11/2024 | Standing Committee
The Parliamentary Assembly – meeting as the Standing Committee – today held a current affairs debate on the topic "The intensification of repression in Azerbaijan: the situation of political prisoners, threats to democratic freedoms and parliamentary rights" during its meeting in Luxembourg...
29/11/2024 | Standing Committee
The Assembly’s Standing Committee opened in Luxembourg this morning with a welcome address from the Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, an address by Luxembourg’s Defence, Mobility and Public Works, and Gender Equality and Diversity Minister, and a review by the PACE President of the...
29/11/2024 | Standing Committee
The Parliamentary Assembly – meeting as the Standing Committee – held a current affairs debate on the topic "Foreign interference: a threat to democracy" during its meeting in Luxembourg. “Foreign interference can be described as international, covert and manipulative interference by foreign...
29/11/2024 | Standing Committee
The Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes – a series of 47 different itineraries across Europe which trace the continent’s rich tapestry of traditions, languages and customs – and their role in encouraging intercultural dialogue were celebrated at a parliamentary round table held on the margins of...
22/11/2024 | Standing Committee
The Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which brings together around 60 parliamentarians from the Council of Europe’s 46 member states, met in Luxembourg on Friday 29 November 2024. The meeting was opened by PACE President Theodoros Rousopoulos...
24/05/2024 | Standing Committee
The Standing Committee (*) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which brings together around 60 of the Assembly’s members, meets in Vilnius on Friday 24 May 2024. The meeting was preceded by a working breakfast of the Women@PACE group, with the participation of...
24/05/2024 | Culture, Science, Education and Media
The PACE Standing Committee, meeting in Vilnius today, considers that the crises Europe has experienced – such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine – have highlighted the weakness of a narrow understanding of inclusive education, pointing out that children with complex needs have been...