01/06/2018 | Standing Committee
Women, people with an immigration background, minorities, young people, LGBTI people and persons with disabilities remain under-represented in politics, according to the Standing Committee.
01/06/2018 | Standing Committee
Following the conclusions of the report by Liam Byrne, the Standing Committee, meeting today in Zagreb, has called on member States to create "alternative narratives" to terrorist propaganda and violent extremism.
01/06/2018 | Standing Committee
The Standing Committee has asked member States to adapt their legal frameworks to guarantee accessibility and reasonable accommodation to all prisoners with disabilities, whether these are physical, sensory, intellectual or psycho-social.
24/05/2018 | Standing Committee
The Standing Committee of the PACE will meet in Zagreb, at the Croatian Parliament, on Friday 1 June, on the occasion of the Croatian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers (May-November 2018).
16/03/2018 | Standing Committee
“Our Court is not and must not be an ivory tower. It is essential that it has regular contact with all those involved in the European system for protecting human rights,” Strasbourg Court President Guido Raimondi said today.
16/03/2018 | Standing Committee
“As an Assembly one could almost define as the Parliamentary Assembly of Human Rights, our position is clear: efficiency should not be ensured at the expense of the effectiveness of the protection system", warned Mr Nicoletti.
16/03/2018 | Standing Committee
The Assembly decided to remove Turkish from PACE’s list of working languages. According to the parliamentarians, “the draconian reduction” of the Assembly’s budget for 2018 and 2019, “calls for drastic measures”.
16/03/2018 | Standing Committee
PACE has urged European countries to ensure that child maintenance payments, made by one parent to another after a separation, are made promptly and in full, calling for the fostering of “a culture of payment”.
16/03/2018 | Standing Committee
In a statement adopted today during its meeting in Paris, PACE's Standing Committee has said the "negative tenor" of the draft Copenhagen declaration risks undermining human rights protection in Europe.
14/02/2018 | Standing Committee
The Standing Committee will meet in Paris on 16 March. After an opening address by President Nicoletti, the parliamentarians will hold an exchange of views with the President of the European Court of Human Rights, Guido Raimondi.
24/11/2017 | Standing Committee
“The Convention system has done a remarkable job in promoting human rights, democracy and the rule of law across Europe, but it's not perfect,” Ulla Tørnæs, Denmark's Minister for Development Co-operation, told PACE members.
24/11/2017 | Standing Committee
“Our parliamentary assemblies must continue to work together and face new realities but must never compromise on our principles,” George Tsereteli, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, has told PACE members.