19/02/2016 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
Maryvonne Blondin will make a fact-finding visit to Brussels on 23 February, in the context of the preparation of her report on “Guaranteeing equal rights and protecting women against violence in the armed forces”.
17/02/2016 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
“Antisemitism and islamophobia may differ but their common roots are in hatred and intolerance and we must spare no effort in tackling both,” said Milena Santerini, speaking in a round table in Brussels today.
12/02/2016 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
On 26 January 2016, the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination held a hearing on the work on combating hate speech of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).
03/02/2016 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
“We must raise awareness about the situation of intersex people, and act now to overcome the discrimination they routinely face,” said the Commissioner for Human Rights speaking at a Committee hearing.
28/01/2016 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
In unanimously adopting a report on “Systematic collection of data on violence against women” the committee stressed that violence against women cannot be combatted effectively without reliable data.
11/01/2016 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
"I firmly condemn the mass sexual assaults perpetrated on 31 December in Germany and Switzerland", said Sahiba Gafarova, Parliamentary Assembly General Rapporteur on Violence against Women.
02/12/2015 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
Too often, persons with disabilities face difficulties in accessing employment, education or participating in public life, said Gülsün Bilgehan, on the eve of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
02/12/2015 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
Following her visit to Norway, Maryvonne Blondin provided information, in the context of the preparation of her report on protecting women against violence in the armed forces, as part of a hearing today in Paris.
24/11/2015 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
The global refugee crisis is not only a major challenge for governments, it also aggravates another phenomenon: violence against refugee women, said Sahiba Gafarova, denouncing the “double violence” they too often suffer.
06/11/2015 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
Elena Centemero will travel to Sweden on 10-11 November for a fact-finding visit in the context of the preparation of her report on “Assessing the impact of measures to improve women's political representation”.
29/10/2015 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
PACE rapporteur Maria Edera Spadoni will travel to Finland from 3 to 5 November for a fact-finding visit in the context of the preparation of her report on Systematic collection of data on violence against women.
23/10/2015 | Equality and Non-Discrimination
“We must stop treating transgender people as if they are diseased,” said the General Rapporteur on the rights of LGBT people Jonas Gunnarsson (Sweden, SOC), on the eve of the Day of Action for Trans Depathologisation.