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PACE elects Ana Maria Guerra Martins judge to the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Portugal

02/10/2019 | Session

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) today elected Ana Maria Guerra Martins as judge to the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Portugal.

For adequate protection and support for victims of terrorism

02/10/2019 | Session

PACE has proposed a set of measures concerning the recognition of the status of victims of terrorism, specific support at national and international level, as well as co-operation with civil society.

Post-monitoring dialogue: PACE commends North Macedonia on progress since 2013

02/10/2019 | Session

PACE has commended the authorities of North Macedonia for the progress made since 2013 as part of its post-monitoring dialogue with the country - and set out a list of five areas it will further assess in its next report.

PACE demands strong laws to protect whistleblowers

01/10/2019 | Session

Council of Europe member States should pass powerful laws to protect whistleblowers, drawing inspiration from a forthcoming EU Directive in this area, the Assembly has said.

Emmanuel Macron: ‘The Council of Europe is the place where the divisions on our continent can be healed’

01/10/2019 | Session

In his address to the Assembly today, the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to the “70 years of battles and conquests that are all part of the Council of Europe’s wealth of experience”.

The 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe marks 70 years of peace on the continent

01/10/2019 | Session

On the occasion of the ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe, the President recalled the origin of the organisation, "born at the end of two world wars that have been a frightful human and moral tragedy".

PACE elects a new Vice-President in respect of Spain

30/09/2019 | Session

PACE today elected, at the opening of its Autumn 2019 Session, Antonio Gutiérrez Limones as a new Vice-President of the Assembly in respect of Spain.

Debate on “Saving persons in the Mediterranean Sea: the need for an urgent answer”

30/09/2019 | Session

Adopting its final agenda at the opening of the 2019 Autumn Session, the Assembly decided to hold an urgent debate on saving persons in the Mediterranean Seaand a current affairs debate.

President makes plea for constructive dialogue and maintaining order in ‘our common home’

30/09/2019 | Session

In her opening address, the President made a fervent plea for maintaining order in what she described as “our common home” and for “constructive dialogue, even in the gravest crisis situations”.

2019 Václav Havel Prize shared by Ilham Tohti and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights

30/09/2019 | Session

This seventh Prize has been awarded jointly to imprisoned Uyghur intellectual Ilham Tohti from China and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR). The prize was presented at a special ceremony today in Strasbourg.

Palais in pink to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month

30/09/2019 | Session

The Palais de l'Europe in Strasbourg was illuminated in pink tonight – in a special initiative to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The building will stay illuminated throughout the week of the PACE session.

PACE reviews the work of its subsidiary bodies since last session

30/09/2019 | Session

The progress report which covers the activities and decisions of the Parliamentary Assembly’s subsidiary bodies since the last session was presented today in plenary.