The principles and guarantees of advocates
Reply to Recommendation
| Doc. 15342
| 02 July 2021
- Author(s):
- Committee of Ministers
- Origin
- Adopted at the 1408th meeting
of the Ministers’ Deputies (30 June 2021). 2021 - Fourth part-session
- Reply to Recommendation
- : Recommendation 2188
1. The Committee of Ministers has examined
the Parliamentary Assembly
2188 (2020) on “The principles and guarantees of advocates”,
which it has forwarded to the Ad hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence
(CAHAI) and to the European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ)
for information and possible comments.
2. The Committee fully agrees with the Parliamentary Assembly
that lawyers play a central role in protecting human rights, in
particular people’s right to a fair trial, and in implementing principles
of the rule of law. It is equally concerned by the numerous cases
of violations of lawyers’ rights, including attacks on their safety
and independence, in recent years.
3. While minimum standards are set in its Recommendation
Rec(2000)21 on
the freedom of exercise of the profession of lawyer, the Committee
of Ministers is aware that this instrument may no longer provide
the necessary level of protection for lawyers in today’s society.
Therefore, as concerns a possible new instrument, the Committee
recalls that it recently took note of the study carried out by the
European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ) on “The feasibility
of a new, binding or non-binding, European legal instrument on the profession
of lawyer – possible added-value and effectiveness”. The study identified
legal protection gaps and problems faced by the profession of lawyer
and underlined a clear need for an improved minimum set of standards
applicable to lawyers in relation to their professional activities.
It recommended that the Committee of Ministers initiate the preparation
of a new legal instrument which would offer an effective protection
to lawyers allowing them to exercise their profession independently,
freely and safely, without prejudice or restraint. The Committee
of Ministers also took note of draft terms of reference of a committee
of experts subordinate to the CDCJ tasked with drawing up a draft
European legal instrument, binding or non-binding, on the profession
of lawyer, which will be examined in the context of the discussions
on the next Programme and Budget in the autumn of 2021. Pending
its decision on the development of a new legal instrument, the Committee
of Ministers encourages member States to pursue their efforts in
fully implementing the provisions of Recommendation
inter alia, through Council of Europe
co-operation and training activities.
4. The Committee of Ministers is also mindful of the Parliamentary
Assembly’s repeated call for the establishment of a platform for
the protection of advocates from any interference with the exercise
of their professional activities. In its reply to Parliamentary
2121 (2018), the Committee stated that it would consider
the merits of the proposal for early-warning mechanisms to protect
the various professions involved in defending human rights at a
later date, in the light of the CDCJ feasibility study and the practice
of existing early-warning procedures and mechanisms. In view of
the upcoming Programme and Budget exercise, which will include the
examination of future work of the Council of Europe on the profession of
lawyer as indicated above, the Committee of Ministers maintains
this position.
5. Finally, as concerns the need for legislative provision of
the right to a fair trial, the Committee of Ministers recalls Article
6 § 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights and the well-established
case law of the European Court of Human Rights on the right to counsel
and on equality of arms as inherent features of a fair trial. Ensuring
the safety of advocates and other personnel in judicial proceedings
is inextricably linked to protecting the right to a fair trial.