The Standing Committee (*) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) met in Paris on Friday 1st March 2019. After an opening address by PACE President Liliane Maury Pasquier, the parliamentarians held an exchange of views with Feride Acar, President of the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) and Dubravka Šimonovic, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women.
The agenda includes, in particular, debates on the EBRD and promotion of democracy, the protection of human rights during transfers of prisoners, health needs of adolescents, the co-operation development as a tool for preventing migration crises, and the value of cultural heritage in a democratic society.
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The Standing Committee meeting, which was open to the press, was held on Friday 1st March at the French Assemblée nationale (Salle Lamartine), 101 rue de l'Université, Paris 7ème (Metro station: Invalides/Assemblée nationale) and began at 9 am.
(*) The Standing Committee, which acts on the Assembly's behalf between plenary sessions, is made up of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly, the chairpersons of political groups, the chairpersons of national delegations and the committee chairpersons.