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TweetsOne in three women in Europe has experienced some form of physical and/or sexual assault since the age of 15. Preventing and combating violence against women is one of the priorities of the Committee. The Parliamentary Network Women Free from Violence, coordinated by Etilda GJONAJ (Albania, SOC), General Rapporteur on violence against women, actively promotes the ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention.
Hate speech and manifestations of racism and intolerance on any grounds are a scourge affecting all countries in Europe and all levels of society. The Committee is committed to fighting hate speech, racism and intolerance. The No Hate Parliamentary Alliance, coordinated by Fourat BEN CHIKHA (Belgium, SOC), General Rapporteur on combating racism and intolerance, allows parliamentarians to join forces on these issues.
The Parliamentary Platform for the rights of LGBTI people in Europe uses interparliamentary cooperation to strengthen the fight against anti-LGBTI discrimination and promote full and effective equality for LGBTI people throughout the continent. It is coordinated by Béatrice FRESKO-ROLFO (Monaco, ALDE), PACE General Rapporteur on the rights of LGBTI people.
Statements by the Committee and general rapporteurs
All items due for discussion and decision.
Reports under preparation
List of reports under preparation in the committee.
The committee's public documents.
Texts adopted by the Assembly
Assembly reports prepared by the committee.
Details of decisions taken by the committee at each meeting (synopses).
Members of the sub-committees
Etilda GJONAJ (Albania, SOC)
General Rapporteur on violence against women
Fourat BEN CHIKHA (Belgium, SOC)
General Rapporteur on combating racism and intolerance
Ms Penelope DENU
Head of the Secretariat 6.229+33/3 88.41.3215
Ms Carolina LASEN DIAZ
Secretary 6.007+33/3 90.21.5679
M. Giorgio LODDO
Secretary 6.188+33/3 90.21.5908
Mme Elodie FISCHER
Secretary 6.235A+33/3 90 21 5634
Ms Louise MORLON
Project manager 6.185+33/3 90.21.4014
Mme Anne-Marie KLEIN
Assistant 6.190+33/3 90.21.4450
Ms Sorina LECLER
Assistant 6.203+33/3 90.21.5695