Senato della Repubblica
IT - 00186 - Roma
Working language: English
08/10/2024 | Doc. 16062 | Motion for a resolution Strengthening freedom of expression: an imperative for the consolidation and development of democratic societies 24/04/2024 | Doc. 15900 | Written declaration Armenia must act to prevent discrimination against LGBTI people 24/04/2024 | Doc. 15915 | Written declaration Iran: people's rights against repression 26/01/2024 | Doc. 15915 | Written declaration Iran: people's rights against repression 25/01/2024 | Doc. 15912 | Motion for a resolution Externalising asylum increases the risk of undermining the system of international protection
03/10/2024 | Doc. 16043, vote on the draft text for resolution Preventing and combating violence and discrimination against lesbian, bisexual and queer women in Europe 02/10/2024 | Doc. 16040, vote on the draft text for resolution The detention and conviction of Julian Assange and their chilling effects on human rights 02/10/2024 | Doc. 16053, vote on the draft text for resolution Request for waiver of the immunity of Mr Marcin Romanowski 24/01/2024 | Doc. 15868, vote on the draft text for resolution Globalisation in times of crisis and war: the role of the OECD since the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine 24/01/2024 | Doc. 15880, vote on the draft text for resolution Allegations of systemic torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in places of detention in Europe