Member of Parliament
National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
RS - 11000 - Belgrade
Working language: English
Declarations of interests:
02/10/2024 | Doc. 16040, vote on the draft text for resolution The detention and conviction of Julian Assange and their chilling effects on human rights 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16037, vote on the draft text for recommendation Missing migrants, refugees and asylum seekers – A call to clarify their fate 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16037, vote on the draft text for resolution Missing migrants, refugees and asylum seekers – A call to clarify their fate 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16032, vote on the draft text for recommendation A shared European approach to address migrant smuggling 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16032, vote on the draft text for resolution A shared European approach to address migrant smuggling