New Democracy (ND)
House of Parliament
GR - 10021 - Athens
Working language: English
04/02/2025 - Prizes Lina Vdovîi and Radu Ciorniciuc win the first PACE ‘Human Rights in Motion’ Award at the Biarritz Documentary Film Festival 29/01/2025 - Session PACE President regrets decision of Georgian delegation to withdraw from the Assembly 31/12/2024 - President End of year message by PACE President Theodoros Rousopoulos 05/12/2024 - President 'In an increasingly multicultural world, safeguarding diversity is the foundation for a peaceful and just future', PACE President says 19/11/2024 - President 1000th day of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine: statement by PACE President
31/01/2025 | 12:15:08 Thank you, Margo. Thank you, and especially for sharing this very interesting and intimate moment about your father. So, dear colleagues, The next item on today’s agenda is the debate on the Progress Report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee Doc. 16096 and Addendum 5. Are there any objections to these references? No objections. The references are approved. The references to committees proposed by the Bureau, as amended, are ratified. The references to committees proposed by the... 31/01/2025 | 11:41:36 Thank you, Mister President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, and I personally thank you for your wishes, your nice words, and of course for supporting me being elected for the second time as the President of this Assembly. Allow me to thank not only you personally, but all colleagues being present, because usually Friday is a day very difficult for everybody. I understand that most of the parliamentarians have to go back to their parliaments. For example, all the Greek... 29/01/2025 | 17:55:36 Thank you, Mogens. Dear colleagues, The Monitoring Committee has presented a draft resolution to which 7 amendments have been tabled. They will be taken in the order in which they appear in the Compendium. I remind you that speeches on amendments are limited to 30 seconds. Any amendment which has been unanimously approved by the Committee seized for report shall not be put to the vote in plenary and shall be declared as definitively approved, unless 10 or more members of the Assembly object... 29/01/2025 | 15:35:00 The sitting is open. Dear colleagues, please, be seated. I want to remind members that they should insert their badge before taking the floor. As you begin your speech, please, press the microphone button once only, wait for a couple of seconds, and then start. Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues, It is my great honour to welcome His Excellency Mr Luc FRIEDEN, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, to the 2025 opening session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Dear Prime... 29/01/2025 | 12:07:33 Dear colleagues, Good morning. As set out on the agenda, we will now turn to the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp and hear several speeches. Dear Chief Rabbi Meir Lau, Dear Secretary General, Dear colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, we gather today in our hemicycle to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The presence of Chief Rabbi MEIR LAU under the vaulted ceiling of this hemicycle is profoundly...
01/02/2024 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran 12/10/2023 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran 13/09/2022 | Doc. 15605 | Motion for a resolution Foreign interference: a threat to democratic security in Europe 24/06/2022 | Doc. 15572 | Motion for a resolution Oppressions through antiterror legislation in Türkiye should stop 21/06/2022 | Doc. 15555 | Motion for a resolution Public regulation of the freedom of expression on digital platforms
13/10/2023 | Doc. 15827, vote on the draft text for resolution Examining the legitimacy and legality of the ad hominem term-limit waiver for the incumbent President of the Russian Federation 13/10/2023 | Doc. 15830, vote on the draft text for resolution Preventing addictive behaviours in children 13/10/2023 | Doc. 15830, vote on the draft text for recommendation Preventing addictive behaviours in children 13/10/2023 | Doc. 15829, vote on the draft text for resolution Mental health and well-being of children and young adults 13/10/2023 | Doc. 15829, vote on the draft text for recommendation Mental health and well-being of children and young adults