Strasbourg, 24-28 June 2013
A decision on a request for the opening of a monitoring procedure in respect of Hungary and a debate on tackling discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity – to be addressed by the French Minister of Women's Rights Najat Vallaud-Belkacem – are among the highlights of the summer plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg on 24-28 June 2013. There have been requests for urgent debates on "Religious persecution in Iran", on "The deteriorating situation in Georgia" and on "Popular protest in Turkey and the challenges to freedom of assembly, media and speech", and also for a current affairs debate on "Riots in Sweden: European immigration policy in the spotlight".
Other topics on the agenda include the situation in the Middle East, corruption as a threat to the rule of law, and putting an end to coerced sterilisations and castrations. Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian will present the communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Parliamentary Assembly and answer questions.
The parliamentarians will also debate a report evaluating the Parliament of Morocco's ‘Partnership for democracy' with the Assembly – the first evaluation since it acquired this status in 2011 – and are scheduled to discuss keeping political and criminal responsibility separate.
The Assembly is also due to elect judges to the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Iceland, Lithuania and the Slovak Republic.
PACE is the parliamentary body of the Council of Europe, bringing together 318 parliamentarians from its 47 member states.
Monday 24 June 2013
Doc. 13235 (Report on credentials) Examination of credentials of representatives and substitutes Doc. 13233 (Progress report) Activities of the Assembly’s Bureau and Standing Committee (26 April – 23 June 2013) Doc. 13233 Addendum I (Progress report) Activities of the Assembly’s Bureau and Standing Committee (24 June 2013) Doc. 13233 Addendum II (Progress report) Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights Doc. 13237 (Communication) President’s activities between the second and the third part of the Ordinary session of 2013 Doc. 13238 (Election observation report) Observation of the early parliamentary elections in Bulgaria (12 May 2013)
Tuesday 25 June 2013
Doc. 13212 (Communication) Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights{In accordance with Article 22 of the European Convention on Human Rights.} List and curricula vitae of candidates submitted by the Government of Iceland Doc. 13213 (Communication) Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights{In accordance with Article 22 of the European Convention on Human Rights.} List and curricula vitae of candidates submitted by the Government of Lithuania Doc. 13231 (Report) The situation in the Middle East Doc. 13229 (Report) Request for the opening of a monitoring procedure in respect of Hungary Doc. 13230 (Report) Evaluation of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of Morocco Doc. 13244 (Committee Opinion) Evaluation of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of Morocco Doc. 13245 (Committee Opinion) Evaluation of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of Morocco
Wednesday 26 June 2013
Doc. 13228 (Report) Corruption as a threat to the rule of law Doc. 13247 (Committee Opinion) Corruption as a threat to the rule of law Doc. 13246 (Report) Challenge on procedural grounds of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of Iceland Doc. 13215 (Report) Putting an end to coerced sterilisations and castrations Doc. 13252 (Committee Opinion) Putting an end to coercive sterilisations and castrations Doc. 13225 (Report) Equal access to health care Doc. 13249 (Committee Opinion) Equal access to health care
Thursday 27 June 2013
Doc. 13258 (Report) Popular protest and challenges to freedom of assembly, media and speech Doc. 13223 (Report) Tackling discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity Doc. 13223 Add. (Addendum to the report) Tackling discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity Doc. 13227 (Report) Post-monitoring dialogue with “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
Friday 28 June 2013
Doc. 13220 (Report) Draft Protocol No. 16 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Doc. 13214 (Report) Keeping political and criminal responsibility separate Doc. 13251 (Committee Opinion) Keeping political and criminal responsibility separate