The “Charter of European political parties for a non-racist society”, opened for signature in 1998, gave political parties the possibility to make a formal commitment to defending fundamental human rights and democratic principles and rejecting all forms of racism, intolerance and hate speech.
In June 2022, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe endorsed a revised charter, drafted in cooperation with the European Parliament’s Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI), the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance and the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission). The new charter has a wider scope reflected in the title, “Charter of European political parties for a non-racist and inclusive society” – the Anti-Racism Charter. The charter calls on political parties to use their self-regulatory power to freely engage with it and commit to abiding by its principles.
For enquiries and to notify your party’s intention to sign the Charter of European political parties for a non-racist and inclusive society, please contact us at: