Labour Party
House of Representatives
MT - VLT 1111 - Valletta
Working language: English
01/10/2024 | 12:50:39 Secretary General, I sincerely wish you strength and energy as you take on this pivotal role at such a delicate time for our continent. One of the priorities highlighted during your campaign was having a Council of Europe for today and tomorrow, and this is more than just a very good slogan but it must be embedded in our actions, especially here at the Parliamentary Assembly. In order to ensure the relevancy and longevity of this organisation, we must really work harder to ensure the... 25/06/2024 | 13:11:06 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) Thank you to both rapporteurs for these really well written Reports. I was absolutely delighted to see a Report focusing on the youth perspective on our agenda aligned with the Report on strengthening democracy through participatory process. I am one of the 17 members aged 30 and below, a statistic in the Report which is disappointing yet unsurprising. This session marks two years of my participation in the Assembly, and during this time it... 13/10/2023 | 13:15:07 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) As Council of Europe Member States we have an unyielding responsibility towards our younger generations. We must not only work tirelessly to make the world better, kinder and more livable, but we must also ensure that our children and young adults have all the necessary tools at their disposal to navigate their way through whatever life throws at them. Not only the uncertainties and anxieties that naturally are a universal experience of our... 20/06/2023 | 19:36:16 Thank you, Mister Chair. The Covid-19 pandemic was a time of great struggles, change, and loss. The challenges we faced, individually and collectively, exceeded anything most of us would have ever expected to face in these modern times. And while today we are back in our fully fledged ‘normality’, we would be naive, to say the least, not to recognise that this unique and gruelling period of recent history has provided us with an abundance of lessons to be learnt. And we would be even more... 25/01/2023 | 20:09:19 Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2 Violence against women is not solely a woman’s burden to carry; It is society’s. But often society and, crucially, us as legislators, have been too slow to act. And unfortunately, sometimes it is too late. And there is no way to turn back the clock for the women who have lost their life to domestic, or to gender-based violence. But that should certainly, underline the urgency with which we should be acting. And the political and legislative...
30/09/2024 | Doc. 16049 | Written declaration Political prosecution in Poland from 2015 to 2023 must be audited and victims rehabilitated 01/02/2024 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran 12/10/2023 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran 14/02/2023 | Doc. 15634 | Written declaration Support Iranian people's protests 30/01/2023 | Doc. 15700 | Motion for a resolution Global rules to eliminate all forms of religious oppression
02/10/2024 | Doc. 16040, vote on the draft text for resolution The detention and conviction of Julian Assange and their chilling effects on human rights 02/10/2024 | Doc. 16053, vote on the draft text for resolution Request for waiver of the immunity of Mr Marcin Romanowski 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16037, vote on the draft text for recommendation Missing migrants, refugees and asylum seekers – A call to clarify their fate 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16037, vote on the draft text for resolution Missing migrants, refugees and asylum seekers – A call to clarify their fate 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16032, vote on the draft text for recommendation A shared European approach to address migrant smuggling