AT - 1017 - Wien
Working language: English
24/06/2024 | 16:59:12 Thank you very much, Madam President, for giving me the floor, First and foremost, I would also like to thank the rapporteur for the hard work she and her team have put into the further development of the Rules of Procedure, the basis of our Parliamentary Assembly's business. And, we all know that Rules of Procedure ultimately represent a minimum compromise and should be supported as widely as possible so that they are effective. Of course, there are criticisms here and there. So I don't want... 12/10/2022 | 17:20:31 Dear Mister President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today we are dealing with the report of the Monitoring Committee on Hungary's compliance with its obligations as a member of the Council of Europe with regard to elections and electoral law, the judiciary and the rule of law, and the media and freedom of the media. Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me say at the outset that I personally find this report extremely tendentious, politically motivated and one-sidedly manipulative in places. I cannot shake off... 30/09/2021 | 09:16:44 Thank you, Madam Chairperson. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start by thanking the rapporteur, Sir Tony LLOYD, and also the committee and, ultimately, the Plenary Assembly, for making it possible for us to discuss here in Europe today, that is, shortly after the collapse in Afghanistan, an important issue that will occupy us for many years to come. This report is an initial stocktaking – I would say so – and also sets out in tax form how work has been done in Afghanistan over the last... 25/01/2021 | 12:47:00 Dear President, Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, I would like to thank the Rapporteur Mr Ian LIDDELL-GRAINGER for presenting this extremely informative report, which is certainly suitable for monitoring the progress of the work of the Parliamentary Assembly in the various policy areas. This report, but also the discussion on it, gives us, and therefore also me, the opportunity to point out urgent challenges of the present and the immediate future. Ladies and gentlemen, for twelve months... 11/04/2019 | 11:03:18 Many of the amendments to this report should be welcomed, but in the past couple of weeks a new change has come in to do with the composition of the political groups that may be formed in the Chamber; I am talking about article 19. There may be an attempt to bring about these changes as quickly as possible. Please do not misunderstand me: of course all parliaments are sovereign and entitled to tidy up their rules. I very much hope that that is the case here. Any such changes, of course, would...
14/11/2024 | Doc. 16073 | Written declaration The Parliamentary Assembly must support the Russian democratic opposition 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16051 | Motion for a resolution Violations of media freedom and the right to information in Poland 25/01/2024 | Doc. 15911 | Motion for a resolution The illegal detention of parliamentarians in Poland 24/01/2024 | Doc. 15907 | Motion for a resolution Media pluralism under threat in Poland 20/06/2023 | Doc. 15798 | Written declaration Safeguarding the right to return and ensuring justice for expelled Azerbaijanis
03/10/2024 | Doc. 16028, vote on the draft text for resolution Commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor – Ukraine once again faces the threat of genocide 03/10/2024 | Doc. 16043, vote on the draft text for resolution Preventing and combating violence and discrimination against lesbian, bisexual and queer women in Europe 02/10/2024 | Doc. 16040, vote on the draft text for resolution The detention and conviction of Julian Assange and their chilling effects on human rights 02/10/2024 | Doc. 16053, vote on the draft text for resolution Request for waiver of the immunity of Mr Marcin Romanowski 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16034, vote on the draft text for resolution Propaganda and freedom of information in Europe