Congreso de los Diputados
ES - 28071 - Madrid
Working language: English
04/10/2024 | 10:46:57 Thank you, President, Dear colleagues, This is the first time that I have represented the Committee in plenary on a very innovative report that our colleague has prepared with great clarity, common sense and moderation. First of all, this report and the accompanying draft resolution show that we parliamentarians need to be much more visionary and prudent as well as far-sighted in our roles as legislators, because although this may appear to belong to the realm of science fiction, in the very... 03/10/2024 | 16:30:44 Thank you, Mister President. I would like to speak Spanish if you don't mind. Despite the great progress we have made in protecting the rights of lesbian, bi, queer, trans and intersex people over the last few years, the attacks that wish to deny or withdraw those rights have grown in Europe. Lesbian, bi and trans (LGT) women were marginalised for a long time and today they are specifically attacked by anti-gender movements that attack women's rights and the rights of LGBT people... 01/10/2024 | 20:37:35 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) The international community cannot remain impassive in the face of the suffering of thousands of people, we cannot live with death and destruction or normalise violence. A new escalation of violence has increased in Lebanon, we must call again for de-escalation, for peaceful coexistence between countries, for peace. It is now a year since we condemned the shocking terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel. We continue to do so today and to call... 28/06/2024 | 10:39:36 Thank you, Mr President. First of all I would like to commend all the work done by our rapporteurs that really leads us to think in an age in which a wave of extremism threatens to wipe out everything that we have achieved in recent decades in Europe, a continent whose hallmark is the defence of human rights, particularly this institution, the first created in the wake of the Second World War to defend human rights. Now, repeatedly, debates have shown that there is rejection of migrants, an... 26/06/2024 | 17:42:42 The majority of European countries are built on a past of conflict. Our continent is characterised by a past that is characterised by wars, but also by the search for peace to guarantee compliance with human rights and a search for a future of peaceful coexistence. Our identities and our remembrance of the past are built on conflicts between peoples, between states and between nations. The cruelty of the 20th century, which saw two world wars and totalitarian regimes, and other terrible...
08/01/2025 | Doc. 16090 | Report Multiperspectivity in remembrance and history education for democratic citizenship
08/10/2024 | Doc. 16061 | Motion for a resolution The use of artificial intelligence in public decision-making processes and its impact on human rights 03/10/2024 | Doc. 16060 | Motion for a resolution Safeguarding the rule of law in Tunisia 12/09/2024 | Doc. 16036 | Motion for a resolution Media freedom in sport 02/07/2024 | Doc. 15962 | Written declaration Appeal to the United States Congress 02/07/2024 | Doc. 15969 | Written declaration Democratic remembrance in Spain and respect for the victims of Franco’s regime
04/10/2024 | Doc. 16031, vote on the draft text for resolution Risks and opportunities of the metaverse 03/10/2024 | Doc. 16028, vote on the draft text for resolution Commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor – Ukraine once again faces the threat of genocide 03/10/2024 | Doc. 16043, vote on the draft text for resolution Preventing and combating violence and discrimination against lesbian, bisexual and queer women in Europe 03/10/2024 | Doc. 16041, vote on the draft text for recommendation Guaranteeing the human right to food 03/10/2024 | Doc. 16041, vote on the draft text for resolution Guaranteeing the human right to food