The Reykjavik Summit of the Council of Europe – United around values in the face of extraordinary challenges
Recommendation 2245
- Author(s):
- Parliamentary Assembly
- Origin
- Assembly
debate on 24 January 2023 (4th sitting) (see Doc. 15681 and addendum, report of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy,
rapporteur: Ms Fiona O'Loughlin). Text
adopted by the Assembly on 24 January 2023 (4th sitting).
1. Europe is
facing extraordinary challenges. The Russian Federation’s large-scale,
protracted and brutal aggression against Ukraine is an affront to
all the principles the Council of Europe stands for and to the foundations
of the European multilateral architecture which was built to avoid
a repetition of the atrocities of the Second World War. Russia’s
full-scale military aggression against Georgia in 2008 and subsequent
occupation of Georgia’s regions is part of the same aggressive policy,
blatantly violating fundamental principles and norms of international
law and rules-based international order.
2. The return of a large-scale war of aggression in Europe highlights
that the solidity and resilience of European democracies, their
respect for human rights and their adherence to the rule of law
are the best guarantees of each other’s prosperity, security and
a peaceful future. In this defining moment of European history,
Council of Europe member States should, at the highest political
level, reaffirm their unity around these common values and their
unfaltering commitment to multilateralism based on international
3. The Parliamentary Assembly therefore welcomes the decision
of the Committee of Ministers to convene the 4th Summit of the Heads
of State and Government of the Council of Europe in Reykjavik on
16 and 17 May 2023. It commends the endeavours by the Irish and
Icelandic presidencies of the Committee of Ministers to achieve
this result and expresses great appreciation for the role of the
Secretary General, including her initiative, at the invitation of
the Committee of Ministers, to set up a high-level reflection group.
The Assembly welcomes the report of this group as a significant
contribution to the ongoing reflection in preparation for the summit
and supports its general thrust and main proposals.
4. While Ukraine and Ukrainians are the direct victims of the
illegal, unjustified and unjustifiable aggression by the Russian
Federation, its repercussions are felt worldwide. Europeans have
started to pay the price of the war through higher living costs
and an impending economic recession which will affect their lives
as they emerge from the first waves of the Covid-19 pandemic. This
may contribute to further erosion of trust in democratic political
systems and institutions, thus reinforcing the downward trend of
the past few years.
5. Deciding how to bridge the gap between people’s expectations
and public delivery is a further test for European democracies.
People are calling for their rights to be protected, including against
abuses by their own authorities. They are demanding a healthy environment
and action against climate change. They want technology to improve
the quality of their lives without controlling them. People are
demanding to have a greater say in political decision making and
to participate in the democratic processes beyond elections. They understandably
expect politics and public institutions to be free from corruption.
They care deeply for justice, greater equality and inclusion, and
better socio-economic prospects for themselves and future generations.
6. The 4th Summit should have the ambition to set out a forward-looking
agenda for the Council of Europe, putting people’s interests, concerns
and expectations at the forefront of the mission of the Organisation.
7. The Assembly therefore recommends that the Committee of Ministers
prepare a political declaration and an action plan, to be endorsed
by the Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe during
the forthcoming summit, with a view to providing a new strategic
vision, a fresh political impetus and new responses in the face
of today’s extraordinary challenges.
8. United around common values, the Heads of State and Government
of the Council of Europe should:
8.1 affirm
their unwavering support for the sovereignty, independence and territorial
integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders
and stand in solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainians;
8.2 condemn the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine
as a serious violation of international law and a threat to international
peace and security which has also resulted in gross and serious
violations of international humanitarian law and international human
rights law, inflicted extensive damage and suffering on the victims
and the entire Ukrainian people and which has endangered and continues
to endanger peace and security in Europe and the world;
8.3 take a comprehensive approach to the issue of the accountability
of the Russian Federation in relation to the aggression against
Ukraine, by ensuring that no gaps persist at the level of international and
national accountability efforts and that impunity is fully prevented,
taking into account the urgency of the matter and the pressing need
for action, in particular by:
8.3.1 supporting
and leading the initiative to set up an ad hoc international criminal
tribunal to investigate and prosecute the crime of aggression committed
by the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation
and calling on the Council of Europe and the member States to provide
concrete expert and technical assistance in its setting-up and also
calling on the Council of Europe to play an active leading role
in the establishment of such an ad hoc international criminal tribunal;
8.3.2 supporting the work of international courts and national
courts that have a mandate to investigate genocide, war crimes,
violations of international humanitarian law and crimes against humanity
committed in the context of the aggression and to prosecute the
8.3.3 support the setting-up of a comprehensive international
compensation mechanism, including a register of the damage caused
by the Russian aggression;
8.4 reaffirm that the pursuit of peace based upon justice
and international co-operation is a vital precondition for the preservation
of human society and civilisation;
8.5 confirm their commitment to rules-based multilateralism
as the pivot of international order;
8.6 reiterate their mutual engagement to make it possible
for Europe to be a vast area of democratic security, echoing the
words of the Vienna Declaration which concluded the 1st Summit of
Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe in 1993.
9. The 4th Summit should ensure that the Council of Europe steps
up its support to Ukraine, immediately and after the end of the
war of aggression. Well-functioning democratic institutions, respect
for the rule of law and compliance with democratic standards, together
with stronger European integration, are the best guarantees for
the democratic security of Ukraine and Europe and are as essential
as the reconstruction effort. Steps should be taken to increase
the profile and visibility of the Council of Europe’s substantial
assistance to and co-operation with Ukraine, as well as to ensure
enhanced co-ordination and co-operation with other relevant international
organisations through the establishment of a special co-ordinator,
under the authority of the Secretary General.
10. The 4th Summit should also demand that the Russian Federation
withdraw from the territories of Georgia, the Republic of Moldova
and Ukraine which are illegally occupied and under its control;
reiterate the applicability of the European Convention on Human
Rights (ETS No. 5, the Convention) and other Council of Europe human
rights treaties in these territories; encourage the Council of Europe
to maintain contacts with civil society, non-governmental organisations,
human rights defenders and independent journalists on the ground
and to support other international human rights mechanisms which
are accessible to people in these areas, including those under the
aegis of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
(OSCE) and the United Nations.
11. Reaffirming the role of the Council of Europe as the leading
intergovernmental organisation in Europe for all matters relating
to human rights, democracy and the rule of law, the Heads of State
and Government of the Council of Europe should reiterate its pan-European
vocation, its unity and its nature as a community of values, which
can be a beacon for anybody who promotes or aspires to democracy,
human rights and the rule of law, wherever they are. In this context,
the summit should express support for a policy of openness towards Belarusian
and Russian individuals, groups and organisations that unequivocally
uphold Council of Europe values and principles.
12. The summit should further develop the Council of Europe’s
role as a political community by enhancing the political dimension
of its work and ensuring an efficient co-ordination of functions
and responsibilities with other institutions in the multilateral
architecture. In this regard, it should aim to upgrade the strategic
partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Union,
in line with Assembly
2430 (2022) “Beyond the Lisbon Treaty: strengthening the strategic
partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Union”,
12.1 giving a decisive push
to finalising the negotiations for European Union accession to the European
Convention on Human Rights;
12.2 inviting the European Union to become a party to other
Council of Europe instruments, including the revised European Social
Charter (ETS No. 163), the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and
Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (CETS No.
210, the Istanbul Convention) and the partial and enlarged agreement
establishing the Group of States against Corruption;
12.3 enhancing political dialogue and co-operation, especially
in the area of the rule of law;
12.4 calling on the European Union to envisage a structured
role for the Council of Europe in the context of the European Union
enlargement process;
12.5 laying the groundwork for a revision of the Memorandum
of Understanding between the Council of Europe and the European
13. The summit should acknowledge the Council of Europe’s contribution
to global governance and encourage the Organisation to project its
values and standards beyond its membership by strengthening co-operation
with interested States and organisations, whether in its geographical
neighbourhood or political proximity. It should seek to make the
Council of Europe a closer partner for the United Nations, its agencies and
mechanisms with a view to supporting global governance, rules-based
multilateralism and the achievement of the Sustainable Development
14. While democracy, human rights and the rule of law should remain
its main objectives and areas of expertise, the Council of Europe
should be renewed, strengthened and given new means to have an impact and
stay ahead of developments, keeping up with societal change and
citizens’ demands.
15. As regards human rights, the heads of State and government
should commit to safeguarding and further strengthening the Convention
system, including by:
15.1 reaffirming
the binding nature of the judgments and decisions on interim measures
of the European Court of Human Rights (the Court) and their primacy
over those of national jurisdictions;
15.2 further reinforcing the execution of judgments by strengthening
relevant co-operation activities and introducing a procedure for
enhanced political dialogue in cases of non-compliance;
15.3 acknowledging and promoting the role of national parliaments,
national human rights institutions and civil society organisations
in monitoring compliance with the Convention and the Court’s judgments.
16. With a view to responding to pressing and widespread public
demands for governments to tackle climate change and prioritise
long-term environmental sustainability over immediate economic concerns,
climate change should be a separate item on the agenda of the summit,
allowing the Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe
16.1 take the lead, on behalf
of the Council of Europe, in establishing environmental protection
as a right while reiterating the commitment to reduce global greenhouse
gas emissions to limit the global temperature increase, in line
with the Paris Agreement;
16.2 support the drafting of a legally binding Council of Europe
framework to guarantee the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable
environment, in line with Resolution 2396 (2022) “Anchoring the
right to a healthy environment: need for enhanced action by the
Council of Europe”, which was unanimously adopted by the Assembly;
16.3 ask for the creation of a Council of Europe committee
to act as a platform to share information, promote best practice,
provide legal advice and develop tools for evaluating policies and
legislation in the area of environmental protection and the fight
against climate change.
17. The Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe
should acknowledge and give a new impulse to the pioneering role
of the Council of Europe in human rights protection and to its capacity
to set legal standards, promote best practice and support domestic
reform efforts in emerging areas of concern, including new generation
rights. They should support Council of Europe work in the areas
of artificial intelligence, data protection, gender equality and
protection against gender-based violence and discrimination.
18. Greater emphasis on social rights, which form an indivisible
part of human rights, would enable the Council of Europe to address
one of the root causes of the backsliding of democracy, a worrying
trend which has been witnessed in recent years. To tackle this problem
the summit should also support an expansion of the Council of Europe’s
activities aimed at enhancing citizens’ trust in democratic processes
and public institutions, namely as regards:
18.1 strengthening good governance and respect for the rule
of law;
18.2 enhancing the quality and professionalism of public administration;
18.3 strengthening the independence of the judiciary;
18.4 fighting against corruption;
18.5 reinforcing local democracy;
18.6 expanding opportunities for civil participation and deliberative
democracy in public decision making;
18.7 tackling discrimination, intolerance and exclusion;
18.8 ensuring the integrity, resilience and adaptability of
electoral processes and making sure that they are inclusive, representative
and participatory.
19. The Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe
should reiterate their commitment to protecting the rights of people
belonging to national minorities, which is a key aspect of human
rights protection and democratic participation, and a precondition
for peace and democratic security. The summit should establish closer
co-operation between the Council of Europe and the European Union
in this area, including in the evaluation of European Union candidate
countries based on the Copenhagen criteria and the relevant standards
developed by the Council of Europe.
20. Furthermore, in order to strengthen the coherence, impact
and visibility of the Organisation’s activities in the areas of
democracy and the rule of law, the summit should:
20.1 ask for the creation of a “democracy
checklist” identifying the essential criteria which govern a well-functioning
democracy, to be used by member and other States as a reference
20.2 envisage the establishment of a Council of Europe commissioner
for democracy and the rule of law as an independent body elected
by the Assembly, entrusted with the means and capacity to engage systematically
in a permanent dialogue with member States, provide early warning
and rapid reaction and offer relevant assistance, in close co-operation
with key parts of the Council of Europe Secretariat and institutions,
including the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the
Council of Europe, to help strengthen the democratic model throughout
21. The summit should ensure that the Council of Europe puts people
at the forefront of its mission by:
21.1 mainstreaming a youth perspective in all its activities;
21.2 creating new channels for civil society, non-governmental
organisations and national human rights institutions to provide
meaningful input into the work of the Organisation, especially on
standard setting, monitoring and co-operation;
21.3 adopting more open and transparent working methods;
21.4 introducing a communication policy which effectively conveys
the aims, objectives and impact of the Council of Europe to the
wider public.
22. With a view to ensuring that the Council of Europe can count
on the financial resources it needs to effectively carry out its
mission, the Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe
22.1 make a political commitment
to increase the ordinary budget of the Council of Europe, in real terms;
22.2 ask the Committee of Ministers to review the scales of
the contributions from member States with a view to raising the
minimum contribution and ensuring greater fairness in the way in
which member States finance the Organisation;
22.3 invite the Committee of Ministers to explore the possibility
of the European Union contributing to the Council of Europe’s ordinary
budget, in light of the strategic partnership between the two Organisations.
23. The Assembly invites the Committee of Ministers and the Secretary
General, within their respective competences, to translate the summit’s
political guidance into appropriate implementing measures and administrative
24. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers involve
it closely in the process of reflection and preparation leading
up to the summit and in its follow-up, by maintaining the climate
of dialogue and co-operation with the Committee of Ministers, the
Secretary General and the other Council of Europe bodies and institutions.
25. For its part, the Assembly resolves to continue to support
the process and commits itself to taking into account the political
guidance of the summit in its work.