18 representatives18 substitutes
Ms Daniela KROLL Delegation Secretary
Permanent secretariat Tel: +49 30 277 33548 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.057/5.061 Tel: 3590/2542
Ms Juliane THAMM
Permanent secretariat Tel: +49 30 277 31429 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.057/5.061 Tel: 3590/2542
Ms Christina FLEUTH
Permanent secretariat Tel: +49 30 227 52708 Email: [email protected]
Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.057/5.061
Ms Birgit VON PFLUG Head of Division
Permanent secretariat Division of Interparliamentary Organisations Tel: +49 30 227 32949 Email: [email protected]
Strasbourg sessions
Permanent secretariat Tel: +32 2 5044 530 Email: [email protected]
Strasbourg sessions
Permanent secretariat Tel: +32 2 5044 578 Email: [email protected]
Strasbourg sessions
Mr Dimitri ANDROSSOW Referent für Europarat bei der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion
Permanent secretariat Tel: +49 30 227 53124 Email: [email protected]
Strasbourg sessions
Permanent secretariat Tel: +49 30 227 52708 Email: [email protected]
Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.057/5.061
Platz der Republik 1 DE - 11011 Berlin Tel: +49 30 227 33733 Fax: +49 30 227 36475 Email: [email protected]
Platz der Republik 1 DE - 11011 Berlin Tel: +49 30 277 55022 Fax: +49 30 277 56129
38 - 40 Meeüs Square BE - 1000 Brussels Fax: +32 2 5044 548
AfD - Alternative for Germany / Alternative pour l'Allemagne BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN - Alliance 90/The Greens / Alliance 90/Les Verts BSW - Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance – Reason and Justice / Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht – raison et justice CDU - Christian Democrat Union / Union démocrate chrétienne CSU - Christian Social Union / Union sociale chrétienne FDP - Free Democratic Party / Parti libre démocratique SPD - Social Democratic Party / Parti social-démocrate