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Paul WILLE Open VLD Belgium
Fátima ABURTO BASELGA Socialiste Spain Socialist Group
Artsruni AGHAJANYAN Rule of Law Party Armenia Members not belonging to a Political Group
Meritxell BATET PSOE Spain Socialist Group
Telmo CORREIA CDS-PP Portugal European Democrat Group
Miljenko DORIĆ Croatian People's Party Croatia Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Lydie ERR Parti ouvrier socialiste luxembourgeois Luxembourg Socialist Group
Bill ETHERINGTON Labour United Kingdom
Joseph FALZON Nationalist Party Malta Group of the European People's Party
Valeriy FEDOROV ''United Russia'' Russian Federation* European Democrat Group
Tamás GAUDI NAGY Jobbik Movement for a better Hungary Hungary Members not belonging to a Political Group
Aristophanes GEORGIOU AKEL - Progressive Party of the Working People Cyprus Group of the Unified European Left
Svetlana GORYACHEVA Fair Russia Russian Federation* Socialist Group
John GREENWAY Conservative United Kingdom
Annette GROTH DIE LINKE Germany Group of the Unified European Left
Mike HANCOCK Independent United Kingdom Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Norbert HAUPERT Parti chrétien social Luxembourg Group of the European People's Party
Olha HERASYM'YUK Our Ukraine Ukraine Group of the European People's Party
Françoise HOSTALIER UMP France Group of the European People's Party
Rafael HUSEYNOV Civil Solidarity Party Azerbaijan Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Jean HUSS ''Les Verts'' Luxembourg Socialist Group
Francine JOHN-CALAME Parti vert de Suisse Switzerland Socialist Group
Virág KAUFER LMP Politics can be different Hungary Socialist Group
Haluk KOÇ CHP Türkiye Socialist Group
Tiny KOX Socialist Party (SP) Netherlands Group of the Unified European Left
Jaakko LAAKSO Left Alliance Finland Group of the Unified European Left
Geert LAMBERT Independent Belgium
Aleksei LOTMAN Green Party Estonia Group of the Unified European Left
Dirk Van der MAELEN SP.A Belgium Socialist Group
Christine MARIN UMP France Group of the European People's Party
Bernard MARQUET Union des Monégasques Monaco Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Christine MCCAFFERTY Labour United Kingdom
Alan MEALE Labour United Kingdom Socialist Group
José MENDES BOTA PSD Portugal Group of the European People's Party
João Bosco MOTA AMARAL PSD Portugal Group of the European People's Party
Hermine NAGHDALYAN "Republican Party of Armenia" Faction Armenia Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Pieter OMTZIGT New Social Contract Netherlands
Joseph O'REILLY Fine Gael Ireland Group of the European People's Party
Elsa PAPADIMITRIOU Independent Greece Group of the European People's Party
Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS Coalition of the Radical Left - United Social Front Greece Group of the Unified European Left
Valery PARFENOV ''United Russia'' Russian Federation* European Democrat Group
Ivan POPESCU Independent Ukraine Socialist Group
Christos POURGOURIDES DISY (Democratic Rally) Cyprus Group of the European People's Party
Gabino PUCHE Parti populaire Spain Group of the European People's Party
Lluís Maria de PUIG I OLIVE Entesa Catalana de Progrés Spain Socialist Group
René ROUQUET Socialiste, écologiste et républicain France Socialist Group
Marlene RUPPRECHT SPD Germany Socialist Group
Giacinto RUSSO Misto Italy Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Armen RUSTAMYAN Armenia Armenia Socialist Group
Marc SPAUTZ Parti chrétien social Luxembourg Group of the European People's Party
Karin STRENZ CDU/CSU Germany Group of the European People's Party
Valeriy SUDARENKOV Russian Federation* Socialist Group
Latchezar TOSHEV Union of Democratic Forces Bulgaria Group of the European People's Party
Mustafa ÜNAL Justice and Development Party Türkiye Group of the European People's Party
Betty WILLIAMS Labour United Kingdom
Renate WOHLWEND Progressive Citizen's Party Liechtenstein Group of the European People's Party
Gisela WURM SPÖ Austria Socialist Group
Jordi XUCLÀ PDeCAT Spain Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Naira ZOHRABYAN "Prosperous Armenia" Faction Armenia Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
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