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Pierre-Alain FRIDEZ Parti socialiste suisse Switzerland Socialist Group
Claudio FAZZONE Forza Italia Berlusconi Presidente-UDC Italy Group of the European People's Party
Doris FIALA Les Libéraux-Radicaux Switzerland Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Duarte MARQUES PSD Portugal Group of the European People's Party
Nicole DURANTON Rassemblement des démocrates, progressistes et indépendants France Group of the European People's Party
Béatrice FRESKO-ROLFO Union Nationale Monégasque Monaco Group of the European People's Party
Manuel TORNARE Parti socialiste suisse Switzerland Socialist Group
Raphaël COMTE Les Libéraux-Radicaux Switzerland Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Hannes GERMANN Union démocratique du centre Switzerland Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Liliane MAURY PASQUIER Socialiste Switzerland Socialist Group
Pascale CROZON Socialiste, écologiste et républicain France Socialist Group
Roland Rino BÜCHEL Union démocratique du centre Switzerland Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Donald ANDERSON Labour United Kingdom Socialist Group
Geneviève GOSSELIN-FLEURY Socialiste, écologiste et républicain France Socialist Group
Maryvonne BLONDIN Socialiste et républicain France Socialist Group
Josette DURRIEU Socialiste et républicain France Socialist Group
Philippe MAHOUX PS Belgium Socialist Group
Killion MUNYAMA Coalition of Citizenship (KO) Poland Group of the European People's Party
Ulla SANDBÆK The Alternative Denmark Group of the Unified European Left
Petra De SUTTER Groen Belgium Socialist Group
Cristina-Mădălina PRUNĂ Save Romania Union Romania Members not belonging to a Political Group
Stefan SCHENNACH SPÖ Austria Socialist Group
Sílvia Eloïsa BONET Groupe parlementaire mixte Andorra Socialist Group
Gisela WURM SPÖ Austria Socialist Group
John PRESCOTT Labour United Kingdom Socialist Group
Susanna HUOVINEN Social Democrats Finland Socialist Group
Florian KRONBICHLER Sinistra Ecologia Libertà Italy Socialist Group
Paolo CORSINI Partito Democratico Italy Socialist Group
Maria GUZENINA Social Democrats Finland Socialist Group
Lise CHRISTOFFERSEN Labour Party Norway Socialist Group
Mogens JENSEN Social Democratic Party Denmark Socialist Group
Antonio GUTIÉRREZ LIMONES PSOE Spain Socialist Group
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