Labour Party (PvdA)
Senate - Eerste Kamer der Staten Generaal
NL - 2500 EA - The Hague
Working language: English
30/09/2015 - Session Call for ‘firmer measures’ against States ignoring Strasbourg Court judgments 26/06/2015 - Legal Affairs and Human Rights ‘Alarm’ at high number of Strasbourg Court rulings being ignored 10/04/2014 - Legal Affairs and Human Rights PACE committee worried over recent developments in Turkey 19/07/2013 - Legal Affairs and Human Rights Execution of the Judgments of the European Court does not require the introduction of domestic remedies allowing impunity
09/09/2015 | Doc. 13864 | Report Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights 28/04/2009 | Doc. 11879 | Report Draft Protocol No. 14 bis to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 30/09/2008 | Doc. 11725 | Report Proposed 42-day pre-charge detention in the United Kingdom 12/09/2008 | Doc. 11698 | Report Draft Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents
15/10/2015 | Doc. 13834 | Written declaration Women's right to access appropriate reproductive health services in the Russian Federation 15/10/2015 | Doc. 13835 | Written declaration Kyrgyzstan should abandon the bill criminalising “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” and adopt measures to combat discrimination against LGBTI people 07/10/2015 | Doc. 13909 | Motion for a resolution 25 years of the CPT, achievements and improvements needed 06/10/2015 | Doc. 13905 | Motion for a resolution Jurisdictional immunity of international organisations and rights of their staff 30/09/2015 | Doc. 13890 | Motion for a resolution Protecting refugee women from gender-based violence
01/10/2015 | Doc. 13863, vote on the draft text for resolution Abuse of pretrial detention in States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights 01/10/2015 | Doc. 13863, vote on the draft text for recommendation Abuse of pretrial detention in States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights 30/09/2015 | Doc. 13864, vote on the draft text for resolution Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights 30/09/2015 | Doc. 13864, vote on the draft text for recommendation Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights 26/06/2015 | Doc. 13809, vote on the draft text for resolution Recognising and preventing neo-racism