House of Parliament
GR - 10021 - Athens
Working language: English
23/04/2001 | Doc. 9054 | Committee Opinion Middle East conflict 20/03/1996 | Doc. 7506 | Report European transport policies
03/02/2009 | Doc. 11828 | Motion for a resolution The impact of the European Union Eastern Partnership on economic growth in Eastern Europe 02/02/2009 | Doc. 11825 | Motion for a recommendation Framing a proactive policy for public authorities in Europe aimed at preventing overweight and achieving regulation 29/01/2009 | Doc. 11822 | Written declaration Committee of Missing Persons (Cyprus) and ECHR Judgments 02/10/2008 | Doc. 11735 | Written declaration Protection of Camp Ashraf residents 24/04/2008 | Doc. 11590 | Motion for a recommendation Protecting financial aid granted by Council of Europe member countries to poor countries against the financial funds known as “vulture funds”