Member of the House of Lords
House of Lords
GB - SW1A 0PW - London
United Kingdom
Working language: English
31/03/2003 | Doc. 9765 | Committee Opinion Protection of sign languages in the member states 21/02/1980 | Doc. 4503 | Report 7th Seminar on International Voluntary Service
16/10/2009 | Doc. 12046 | Written declaration Ashraf Camp 29/09/2009 | Doc. 12046 | Written declaration Ashraf Camp 02/10/2008 | Doc. 11735 | Written declaration Protection of Camp Ashraf residents 22/01/2008 | Doc. 11505 | Motion for a resolution Respect for media freedom 29/01/1986 | Doc. 5525 | Written question No. 287 - Experimentation on embryos
29/09/2009 | Doc. 12002, vote on the draft text for resolution The challenges posed by climate change 23/06/2009 | Doc. 11939, vote on the draft text for resolution Situation in Belarus 23/06/2009 | Doc. 11939, vote on the draft text for recommendation Situation in Belarus 01/10/2008 | Doc. 11726, vote on the draft text for resolution Reconsideration of previously ratified credentials of the Russian delegation on substantive grounds 03/10/2007 | Doc. 11366, vote on the draft text for resolution Realising both economic growth and social protection in Europe in an era of globalisation