Assemblée nationale
FR - 75355 - Paris cedex 07 SP
Working language: French
10/07/2012 | Doc. 12915 | Written declaration The progress of democratic reform in the Republic of Moldova 04/07/2012 | Doc. 12934 | Written declaration Surrogate motherhood 27/04/2012 | Doc. 12934 | Written declaration Surrogate motherhood 25/01/2012 | Doc. 12851 | Written declaration A call for the international civil peacekeeping mission in the Transnistrian secessionist region 31/01/2011 | Doc. 12511 | Written declaration Promoting the Council of Europe Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health (MEDICRIME Convention)
24/01/2013 | Doc. 13106, vote on the draft text for resolution Migration and asylum: mounting tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean 24/01/2013 | Doc. 13106, vote on the draft text for recommendation Migration and asylum: mounting tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean 05/10/2012 | Doc. 13017, vote on the draft text for resolution Restoring social justice through a tax on financial transactions 27/04/2012 | Doc. 12894, vote on the draft text for resolution Promoting an appropriate policy on tax havens 27/04/2012 | Doc. 12896, vote on the draft text for resolution Decent pensions for all