Assemblée nationale
FR - 75355 - Paris cedex 07 SP
Working language: French
10/07/2012 | Doc. 12915 | Written declaration The progress of democratic reform in the Republic of Moldova 06/07/2012 | Doc. 13003 | Motion for a resolution Visa policy – protection of public order or discrimination on the basis of nationality? 06/07/2012 | Doc. 12999 | Motion for a resolution Europe’s endangered heritage 06/07/2012 | Doc. 13004 | Motion for a resolution The impact of major sport events on democracy and human rights 04/07/2012 | Doc. 12934 | Written declaration Surrogate motherhood
29/06/2012 | Doc. 12943, vote on the draft text for resolution The inadmissibility of restrictions on freedom of movement as punishment for political positions 28/06/2012 | Doc. 12981, vote on the draft text for resolution Crisis of transition to democracy in Egypt 27/06/2012 | Doc. 12955, vote on the draft text for resolution The crisis of democracy and the role of the State in today’s Europe 27/06/2012 | Doc. 12953, vote on the draft text for resolution The portrayal of migrants and refugees during election campaigns 27/06/2012 | Doc. 12952, vote on the draft text for resolution The honouring of obligations and commitments by Montenegro