04/10/2019 | 11:37:39 Thank you very much President. Colleagues, I would like to support this particular report. This particular report specifies and underlines something very important. The fact that this democracy, that exists in Europe, that provides so much to people throughout the continent. But irrespective of this, there is great inequality in the continent. This leads to the phenomenon which is mentioned in this report. A number of different points have been brought up, with regard to how this problem can... 02/10/2019 | 17:14:56 President, colleagues. The report submitted provides a very broad overview of an instrument which is an effective mechanism in response to those social challenges which we are confronted with today. I would like to provide you with some information to explain why the Russian Federation has not yet joined the Bank. The reality is that although we understand how important this Bank is as an institution, we have a whole series of questions relating to its activities. First of all, it is our...
15/02/2021 | Doc. 15058 | Written declaration Condemnation of attempts at Second World War revisionism 15/02/2021 | Doc. 15103 | Written declaration Pan-European solidarity in times of fight against the COVID-19 pandemic 29/04/2020 | Doc. 15103 | Written declaration Pan-European solidarity in times of fight against the COVID-19 pandemic 27/03/2020 | Doc. 15094 | Motion for a resolution COVID-19 – an effective and human rights-compliant response 05/02/2020 | Doc. 15081 | Motion for a resolution The crackdown on human rights defenders and NGOs in the field of refugee rescue, support and integration
30/01/2020 | Doc. 15055, vote on the draft text for resolution International obligations concerning the repatriation of children from war and conflict zones 30/01/2020 | Doc. 15055, vote on the draft text for recommendation International obligations concerning the repatriation of children from war and conflict zones 30/01/2020 | Doc. 15020, vote on the draft text for resolution Reported cases of political prisoners in Azerbaijan 30/01/2020 | Doc. 15020, vote on the draft text for recommendation Reported cases of political prisoners in Azerbaijan 30/01/2020 | Doc. 15023, vote on the draft text for resolution Concerted action against human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants