Liberal Movement
Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
LT - 01109 - Vilnius-2
Working language: English
21/11/2014 | Doc. 13552 | Written declaration Major progress for securing the democratic European path of the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine 15/07/2014 | Doc. 13478 | Written declaration Support Human Rights in Iran and security for Camp Liberty 25/06/2014 | Doc. 13552 | Written declaration Major progress for securing the democratic European path of the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine 25/04/2014 | Doc. 13408 | Written declaration Despite widespread international condemnation, stigmatisation of LGBT people by the Russian authorities continues 24/03/2014 | Doc. 13459 corr. | Motion for a resolution Suspension of the voting rights of the Russian delegation (Rule 9 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly)
10/04/2014 | Doc. 13483, vote on the draft text for resolution Reconsideration on substantive grounds of the previously ratified credentials of the Russian delegation 09/04/2014 | Doc. 13451, vote on the draft text for resolution Improving user protection and security in cyberspace 09/04/2014 | Doc. 13451, vote on the draft text for recommendation Improving user protection and security in cyberspace 09/04/2014 | Doc. 13482, vote on the draft text for resolution Recent developments in Ukraine: threats to the functioning of democratic institutions 30/01/2014 | Doc. 13405, vote on the draft text for resolution The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine