Dawn - National Coalition
Poslanecká sněmova Parlamentu
CZ - 118 26 - Praha 1
Working language: English
30/06/2017 | Doc. 14343, vote on the draft text for resolution The “Turin Process”: reinforcing social rights in Europe 30/06/2017 | Doc. 14343, vote on the draft text for recommendation The “Turin Process”: reinforcing social rights in Europe 28/06/2017 | Doc. 14342, vote on the draft text for resolution A comprehensive humanitarian and political response to the migration and refugee crisis in Europe 28/06/2017 | Doc. 14342, vote on the draft text for recommendation A comprehensive humanitarian and political response to the migration and refugee crisis in Europe 28/06/2017 | Doc. 14341, vote on the draft text for resolution Human rights implications of the European response to transit migration across the Mediterranean