Member of Parliament
Serbian Radical Party
National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
RS - 11000 - Belgrade
Working language: English
15/02/2021 | Doc. 15103 | Written declaration Pan-European solidarity in times of fight against the COVID-19 pandemic 29/04/2020 | Doc. 15103 | Written declaration Pan-European solidarity in times of fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
04/10/2019 | Doc. 14956, vote on the draft text for resolution Labour migration from Eastern Europe and its impact on socio-demographic processes in these countries 01/10/2019 | Doc. 14958, vote on the draft text for resolution Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe 01/10/2019 | Doc. 14958, vote on the draft text for recommendation Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe