Socialist Party
Assembly of the Republic of Albania
AL - - Tirana
Working language: English
17/04/2024 | 20:05:38 Thank you, Mister President. Honourable members of the Parliamentary Assembly, The report prepared by Mr Ionuț-Marian STROE, for which we stand and we extend our deepest gratitude, it is simply a reflection of Albania's transformative journey. The justice reform, the cornerstone of our progress, has yielded tangible results, strengthened the rule of law, and laid the ground for a more transparent and accountable judiciary. Referring to the comments of my dear Greek colleague here, and not... 16/04/2024 | 20:11:11 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) Honourable Members of this Assembly, Let me firstly thank the Rapporteur, our colleague, Mr. Basha for the excellent and comprehensive report presented today. A report that is timely and necessary for our future work. This report represents an act of solidarity of all of us to a cause that transcends borders and touches the very essence of our shared humanity. It is not merely a document; it is a declaration of our unwavering commitment to... 09/10/2023 | 17:47:17 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) This assembly should condemn in the strongest terms the violent armed attack against the police of the Republic of Kosova on 24 September in the north of the country. This attack is a criminal and dangerous act of aggression against the stability, integrity, independence, and law and order of Kosova, but not only. It is also a grave threat to the security and stability of our whole region, with direct consequences for our common Europe. The... 25/01/2023 | 16:05:40 Thank you, Madam Speaker. Dear colleagues, Coming from the Western Balkans, I believe that it is a legitimate argument to say that Albania is among the most interested countries in peace, stability and prosperity in the region. That's among the most concerned about the increased tensions, especially between Serbia and Kosovo. We have proven that by encouraging more sustainable regional cooperation and making use of all the possible means at our disposal, we bring all the countries of the... 21/06/2022 | 19:51:16 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) Dear Mr. Chair of the sitting, Dear colleagues, I fully endorse the report and kindly thank the rapporteur for his work. Democracy security is a benchmark for peace The aggression in Ukraine reminded us that the declining of democracy brings conflicts and conflicts bring war The decline of democracy does not happen immediately in a day but it comes slowly when rule of law, human rights and participatory democracy die a little every day...
20/02/2024 | Doc. 15929 | Report The right to freedom of information: ensuring access to historical documents
24/04/2024 | Doc. 15913 | Written declaration Call on Kazakhstan to ratify and implement the Istanbul Convention 25/01/2024 | Doc. 15913 | Written declaration Call on Kazakhstan to ratify and implement the Istanbul Convention 11/10/2023 | Doc. 15845 | Motion for a resolution Responding to the violent attacks in the North of Kosovo* 24/06/2022 | Doc. 15573 | Motion for a resolution Enhancing the right to access to justice for vulnerable groups 23/06/2022 | Doc. 15565 | Motion for a resolution Promotion of mental well-being and mental health in schools
17/04/2024 | Doc. 15966, vote on the draft text for resolution Alexei Navalny's death and the need to counter Vladimir Putin's totalitarian regime and its war on democracy 17/04/2024 | Doc. 15967, vote on the draft text for resolution The arbitrary detention of Vladimir Kara-Murza and the systematic persecution of anti-war protesters in the Russian Federation and Belarus 17/04/2024 | Doc. 15939, vote on the draft text for resolution Sanctions against persons on the "Kara-Murza list" 17/04/2024 | Doc. 15953, vote on the draft text for resolution Freedom of expression and assembly of LGBTI people in Europe 17/04/2024 | Doc. 15950, vote on the draft text for resolution The honouring of obligations and commitments by Albania