Primo! Priorité Monaco
Conseil National de Monaco
98015 - Monaco
Working language: French
09/04/2019 | 11:09:31 Since the 2030 development agenda was adopted, we have all been committed to facing up to the challenge of transforming the world in which we live. Through the goals and targets set out in the agenda, there is a commitment to fight against all forms of poverty and inequality, to create peaceful, robust and inclusive societies. There is a commitment to think about the future of our planet and the well-being of future generations. All nations and peoples at all levels are concerned – no one is... 24/01/2019 | 19:13:52 I have read this report with the greatest of interest. I appreciate how important it is, as it concerns the preservation of the social and political stability of our countries, at a time when, in some places, the principles of democracy are, unfortunately, being called into question. I am one of the parliamentary representatives here of the Principality of Monaco, and the rapporteur has highlighted two points stemming from the peculiarities of my country. The first concerns our failure to... 23/01/2019 | 15:58:46 Allow me to salute the relevance of the reports that have been submitted, as well as those who have spoken before me. How can we not subscribe to the need to have the freedom of the media that ensures democratic elections? We need appropriate measures to protect and inform the public away from political and economic pressure. The National Council of the Principality of Monaco, which I represent, supports impartial and well-balanced coverage of elections. The speaker of our parliament, in a...
20/05/2022 | Doc. 15476 | Written declaration Ukraine: human rights and humanitarian law must be respected 11/03/2022 | Doc. 15476 | Written declaration Ukraine: human rights and humanitarian law must be respected 11/03/2021 | Doc. 15239 | Motion for a resolution Tax justice for families with children to prevent intergenerational poverty 04/10/2019 | Doc. 14988 | Motion for a resolution Parliamentary Assembly contribution to the establishment of an observatory of history to promote the common values of Greater Europe and peace 04/10/2019 | Doc. 14989 | Motion for a resolution Strengthening the parliamentary dialogue with Turkey concerning the situation of Turkish academics
27/01/2023 | Doc. 15683, vote on the draft text for resolution Emergence of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) and their necessary apprehension through European human rights law 27/01/2023 | Doc. 15675, vote on the draft text for resolution Building the Open Council of Europe Academic Networks (OCEAN) 26/01/2023 | Doc. 15689, vote on the draft text for resolution Legal and human rights aspects of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine 25/01/2023 | Doc. 15674, vote on the draft text for resolution Environmental impact of armed conflicts 25/01/2023 | Doc. 15674, vote on the draft text for recommendation Environmental impact of armed conflicts