Senato della Repubblica
IT - 00186 - Roma
Working language: French
08/03/2022 | Doc. 15470 | Motion for a resolution Cultural heritage and climate change 07/03/2019 | Doc. 14839 | Motion for a resolution Legal aspects of "autonomous" vehicles
26/01/2022 | Doc. 15443, vote on the draft text for resolution Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation 10/04/2019 | Doc. 14863, vote on the draft text for resolution Role and mission of the Parliamentary Assembly: main challenges for the future 10/04/2019 | Doc. 14863, vote on the draft text for recommendation Role and mission of the Parliamentary Assembly: main challenges for the future 09/04/2019 | Doc. 14848, vote on the draft text for resolution Strengthening co-operation with the United Nations in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 09/04/2019 | Doc. 14848, vote on the draft text for recommendation Strengthening co-operation with the United Nations in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development