Social Democratic Party
International Department of the Swedish Parliament
SE - 111 28 - Stockholm
Working language: English
18/03/2021 - Monitoring Stripping Turkish MP’s mandate is another blow to parliamentary democracy, say PACE monitors 12/02/2021 - Monitoring PACE monitors welcome return of Turkish opposition MP to parliament 23/12/2020 - Monitoring ‘Selahattin Demirtaş must be released now’: rapporteurs urge the Turkish authorities to implement the Court’s final judgment 21/12/2020 - Monitoring Rapporteurs urge Turkish parliament not to adopt new restrictions on NGOs 23/10/2020 - Standing Committee PACE strongly condemns new crackdowns on political opposition and civil dissent in Turkey
24/06/2021 | 16:38:41 Thank you very much. The point is already made. This is a historical moment and this is the basis for a new approach from the Council of Europe as well. Mr Momodou Malcolm JALLOW's report here will be a starting point for further actions to prevent this kind of Afrophobia that we have in our countries. The form of the discrimination is different. It is direct sometimes, indirect sometimes, institutional sometimes. In Sweden, we have problems here, in Sweden, as well, of course. We have the... 24/06/2021 | 11:53:11 Thank you very much. I think this is one of the most important discussions we have had. We make references to the work of the European Union when it comes to trying to find solutions to these problems but I do think that we cannot leave this only to the discussions in the EU structure. We have to take a more active role on this because this is a really, very, very important matter and coming very close to our principles, not least for human rights. I like the reference to the term solidarity... 27/01/2021 | 16:50:14 Thank you very much. My focus is human rights and in human rights we are supported by the agreements which have been reached earlier on. The court we have is an extremely important body and I think it should be obvious that every decision taken by our court should be respected by the member states. So for me there is no question about that point when it comes to this discussion. The ruling of the Court should be reflected and this of course will be one of the major issues if that is not acted... 27/06/2019 | 11:30:57 Thank you Madam Chair. Frankly I'm going home now with pride for being a Member of this Assembly, because this discussion is so well informed and so relevant in the daily lives of people in our home countries. The reports are really excellent and the discussion we are having now is one of the best I've heard in the Council of Europe, and I've been here, as you know, for some years, also for many of these discussions. I'm so happy about this discussion. What you are doing is that you are... 26/06/2019 | 18:27:57 Thank you very much. I'm a bit deaf. I apologise for using this opportunity when having the floor to make a correction, because I was told that the only way to make this correction was to mention it in order to get it into the protocol. And that is the fact that I did support the De SUTTER report and there was something wrong with my machine here - I didn't push it strong enough probably - so that's now dealt with. In this case, I think this is a very serious report. I think that it's...
21/04/2021 | Doc. 15272 | Report The functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey 19/10/2020 | Doc. 15171 | Report New crackdown on political opposition and civil dissent in Turkey: urgent need to safeguard Council of Europe standards
30/04/2021 | Doc. 15233 | Written declaration Life-threatening conditions for migrants and refugees on the soil of the European Union 07/10/2020 | Doc. 15162 | Motion for a resolution The impact of Brexit on human rights on the island of Ireland 01/09/2020 | Doc. 15130 | Motion for a resolution Call for an inclusive national political process in Belarus 03/10/2019 | Doc. 14980 | Motion for a recommendation Ratification of the Istanbul convention by the United Kingdom 04/07/2019 | Doc. 14948 | Motion for a recommendation Artificial intelligence in healthcare: medical, legal and ethical challenges ahead
30/09/2021 | Doc. 15381, vote on the draft text for resolution The situation in Afghanistan: consequences for Europe and the region 24/06/2021 | Doc. 15250, vote on the draft text for resolution For a European policy on diasporas 24/06/2021 | Doc. 15250, vote on the draft text for recommendation For a European policy on diasporas 22/04/2021 | Doc. 15270, vote on the draft text for resolution The arrest and detention of Alexei Navalny in January 2021 22/04/2021 | Doc. 15270, vote on the draft text for recommendation The arrest and detention of Alexei Navalny in January 2021