House of Commons
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United Kingdom
Working language: English
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15/03/2022 | 18:54:59 Thank you very much Mr Chairman. I don't think we should allow them to withdraw. I think we should force them to be kicked out and listen to this Assembly and listen to the Council of Ministers. Listen to the voices here in this room today. I want to send a message to the people of Ukraine and let them know that we stand in solidarity with them and with their representatives. Our Ukrainian friends who are here today and those who cannot be here but have appeared on video screens and spoken so... 28/01/2022 | 12:26:21 Thank you very much Mr Chairman. We've heard from some very interesting topics already in the free session today, covering massive international issues but a lot of these have been on relatively divisive issues, I'd suggest, particularly around Ukraine and Russia. What I wanted to talk about is something that I hope will unite us all across the Council of Europe from all our traditions. It's something that I've been pursuing here in the UK Parliament recently. That's a cause to ban...