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Mr Larry BROCK (Canada)

Photo member

Conservative Party of Canada

Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
CA - K1A 0A6 - Ottawa

Working language: English


In the political groups

In the Assembly

  • since 05/04/2024 Substitute - Canada
  • from 24/01/2022 to 22/01/2023 Substitute - Canada

In the committee(s) and sub-committee(s)


Last speeches

26/06/2024 | 16:36:54 Monsieur le Président, Mes chers collègues, This past February, Canada and Ukraine signed a significant new agreement on security co-operation. I bring it up today because an entire section of it deals with accountability. That's a common thread running though all three of the reports that we're debating. More specifically, our security agreement with Ukraine states that we'll continue to engage in the Core Group to examine options for establishing a special tribunal on the crime of... 25/06/2024 | 19:05:02 "Thank you, Madam President. My dear colleagues." [spoken in French] Let me begin by thanking the rapporteur for bringing the critical issue of human rights-compliant asylum procedures to the forefront of our attention. As highlighted by the Report, the movement of those seeking protection across borders often under perilous conditions is growing. The moment calls for a response that prioritises both humanitarian and national security concerns. In 2023 Canada received a record of just over... 14/10/2022 | 13:20:21 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) Honourable colleagues, Let me begin by thanking the rapporteur for raising the issue of discrimination in relation to vaccine mandates. Her report makes a strong case for limiting the use of such measures to where they are “strictly necessary,” pointing to the potential discriminatory effect of the measures and the limits they place on unvaccinated persons’ human rights, including the freedom of assembly and association, and the freedom of... 13/10/2022 | 17:09:11 Thank you, Mister President. Honourable Colleagues, I would like to begin by thanking the rapporteur for his thorough and balanced report. Assessing the impact of Brexit on human rights and the fragile peace in Northern Ireland was a tremendous task, and the rapporteur was certainly equal to it. While I think it is premature for us to debate the overall legacy of Brexit, I do think we can agree that it has had some unintended consequences for the province of Northern Ireland. I hope the... 11/10/2022 | 20:33:47 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) Honourable colleagues, Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right. People of all faiths must be free to teach, practise, worship and observe their beliefs without fear of violence or discrimination. Alarmingly, for Muslims around the world, that freedom is increasingly under threat. In Europe and in Canada, Islamophobia is on the rise, with devastating consequences for individuals and for democracy itself. According to the most recent...
