Verkhovna Rada
UA - 01008 - Kyiv
Working language: English
13/10/2023 | 10:37:32 Dear colleagues, I think we should not be even talking about Vladimir Putin as the President of the Russian Federation, because he's a criminal. The first thing we should discuss is how he should be brought to justice. And a lot of his puppets who started wars, not only in Ukraine, but in a lot of parts of the world. Second, he's an FSB agent. Just like a lot of Russians outside of the country working for a machine to keep this regime, and not only to keep this regime in Russia, but to spread... 10/10/2023 | 16:47:41 Dear colleagues, We are talking about today about the challenge of far-right ideology to democracy and human rights. However, I think we should not be talking about the challenge but about the threat. The threat to the world that we already are facing today. It has been disturbing for us as Ukrainians when the far, far-right ideology – I would say the extreme far-right, a terrorist ideology – was rising in Russia called the Russian world. We as Ukrainians especially for the last 10 years, and... 13/10/2022 | 11:51:28 Thank you so much dear colleagues, I am really grateful to the rapporteurs for the report that has been presented. I keep hearing here questions about diplomacy, and to what extent "we should support Ukraine". I can tell you that we as Ukrainians have always left a space for diplomacy. Our first step in the 1990s was the Budapest Memorandum, when we gave up our nuclear weapons. We took the second step in 2014, when we partially gave up the territories that were occupied by Russia in Crimea...
11/10/2023 | Doc. 15845 | Motion for a resolution Responding to the violent attacks in the North of Kosovo* 13/02/2023 | Doc. 15712 | Motion for a resolution Ensuring the right to fair trial in the context of State immunities: how to strike the right balance? 25/10/2022 | Doc. 15647 | Written declaration Non-recognition and condemnation of the sham referendums staged by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine 18/10/2022 | Doc. 15638 | Motion for a resolution Recognising Russian warmonger political parties as groups and entities involved in terrorist acts that are subject to institutional sanctions 12/10/2022 | Doc. 15632 | Motion for a resolution Sanctions of persons on the "Kara-Murza list"
13/10/2023 | Doc. 15827, vote on the draft text for resolution Examining the legitimacy and legality of the ad hominem term-limit waiver for the incumbent President of the Russian Federation 13/10/2023 | Doc. 15830, vote on the draft text for resolution Preventing addictive behaviours in children 13/10/2023 | Doc. 15830, vote on the draft text for recommendation Preventing addictive behaviours in children 13/10/2023 | Doc. 15829, vote on the draft text for resolution Mental health and well-being of children and young adults 13/10/2023 | Doc. 15829, vote on the draft text for recommendation Mental health and well-being of children and young adults