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Mr Michael RUBBESTAD (Sweden, EC/DA)

Photo member

Member of the Riksdag
Sweden Democrats

Sveriges Riksdag
SE - 100 12 - Stockholm

Working language: English

Declarations of interests:


In the political groups

  • Member: European Conservatives Group and Democratic Alliance since 30/09/2024

In the Assembly

  • since 30/09/2024 Substitute - Sweden

In the committee(s) and sub-committee(s)

  • Full Member: Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination (since 30/09/2024)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on Disability, Multiple and Intersectional Discrimination (since 03/10/2024)
  • Alternate of Ms Jessica STEGRUD (Full Member): Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons (since 30/09/2024)
  • Alternate of Ms Jessica STEGRUD (Full Member): Sub-Committee on Gender Equality (since 03/10/2024)
