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3 representatives3 substitutes


Ms Tasoula IERONYMIDOU Secretary General

Permanent secretariat Tel: +357 22 40 73 07; +357 22 40 73 02 Fax: +357 22 67 30 66 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.182/84 Tel: 2667/3820/3826 Fax: 3958

Ms Gabriella MARANGOU-D'AVERNAS International Relations Officer

Permanent secretariat International Relations Service Tel: +357 22 40 74 31 Fax: +357 22 66 86 11 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.182/84 Tel: 2667/3820/3826 Fax: 3958

Ms Elena PERSIANI International Relations Officer

Permanent secretariat International Relations Service Tel: +357 22 40 73 79 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.182/84 Tel: 2667/3820/3826 Fax: 3958

Ms Venetia ANTONIADOU International Relations Officer

Permanent secretariat Tel: +357 22 40 73 25 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.182/84 Tel: 2667/3820/3826 Fax: 3958

House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus

CY - 1402 Nicosia Tel: +357 22 40 72 00 Email: [email protected]


Representatives of the Turkish Cypriot Community (*) / Représentants de la communauté chypriote turque (*) Mr Oğuzhan HASIPOĞLU - National Unity Party Mr Armağan CANDAN - Republican Turkish Party Strasbourg Sessions Office/bureau: 5194 Tel: 5150 Secretariat 1. Ms Milhan LAKADAMYALı Director of Foreign Relations Division Tel: +90 533 844 39 44 Email: [email protected] 2. Ms Asya Derya ERENSOY International Relations Division Officer Tel: +90 533 876 34 01 Email: [email protected] (*) In accordance with Resolution 1376 (2004) / Conformément à la Résolution 1376 (2004)