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United Kingdom

18 representatives18 substitutes




Mr Nick WRIGHT Delegation Secretary

Permanent secretariat House of Commons Tel: +44 207 219 26 11 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.162/64 Tel: 3571/2655 Email: [email protected]

Ms Helena ALI Senior Delegation Officer

Permanent secretariat House of Commons Tel: +44 20 7219 5384 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.162/64

Ms Sue HOLT Delegation Officer

Permanent secretariat House of Commons Tel: +44 207 219 5564 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.162/64

Ms Zainab BALOGUN Delegation Officer

Permanent secretariat House of Commons Tel: +44 207 219 3298 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.162/64

Mr Craig MEICHAN Delegation Officer

Permanent secretariat Tel: +44 207 219 2439 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.162/64

House of Commons

GB - SW1A OAA London Tel: +44 207 219 3293

House of Lords

GB - SW1A 0PW London Tel: +44 207 219 3000

Interparliamentary Relations Office (Parliamentary Assemblies)